Make your educational process easy and effective using elearnie platform.
Get in TouchDo you want to give your customers the best experience? Elearnie can help you transfer knowledge, fill skill gaps and verify employee competencies.
Experienced and well-informed customer-facing teams have an immense impact on customer satisfaction. Achieve superb customer experience using elearnie.
Our platform is built with security to protect your data. And thanks to the use of technical industry standards, your company can leverage commonly used and secure protocols for user authentication and management.
Your data belongs to you. We care about the privacy of our customers' data, it's the #1 priority of our company.
Requires little or no training to get started. User-friendly experience, built with all the types of users in mind, ensures effortless use for students to access materials and pass the tests and administrators and lecturers to prepare learning materials.
Thanks to SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), you don't have to worry about ever upgrading elearnie versions. Your company will always be on the latest stable version.
An essential function of the elearnie platform is courses where members, modules, tests, materials, and other resources are created. Courses control students' access to tests and other resources.
With elearnie, you can create elaborative tests and quizzes, which you then can distribute using modules. You can set time limits, maximum attempts, mix answers, a percentual success limit, or even a scoring system. The integral part of tests are "Collections of questions" which can be connected to any test, can be mixed, randomized or you can even show only new questions within the collection in the test. After a user submits a test, they can see detailed results with explanations from educators. The main features of tests are:
You can customize the elearnie platform to match your organization's branding.
Everything inside the elearnie platform is automatically backed up daily. We also store deleted records for up to 30 days. You can recover those records without the need for customer support.
Modules are used to store and control individual tests, materials, and other types of resources within a course. You can duplicate modules into other courses or even connect across several courses.
You can set up notifications on every individual course and notify its members when they're added, when the course, module, or test is activated. In case the test has a deadline assigned, elearnie can notify users before or after the deadline.
We provide several services, beyond our product, helping you plan your educational strategy within your organization. Contact us to learn more.